This series of knives consist of the Models 3587 , 3588 1/2 and the 3589. They are known as the Kleiner Jagdnicker, Small Hunting Knife ( 3587), the Gross Jagdnicker, Heavy Hunting Knife (3589) and the companion knife to the Jagdnicker Vom Waidbesteck, Hunting Knife from the Waidbesteck which is double knife set (3588 1/2). The design of these knives is attributed to Walter Frevert ( 1897-1962 ) , a popular German figure who was a well known hunter and forester. They were introduced circa 1953. For more information on Walter Frevert, please see the the information on the Hirshfänger, Model 3599. The Jagdnickers are one of the most popular hunting knives ever produced by PUMA and a European favorite.